Get Inspired!
Have you ever been on a mission that inspired and motivated you so much that you wanted to shout it from the roof tops? That's where I find myself at this crazy moment in time. I'm on a mission to transform the world - one story at a time - by sharing remarkable stories and success secrets of creatives, innovators, and difference makers who are lighting the way toward a brighter future. In the process, I feel compelled to share my own experiences and life lessons in hopes of inspiring and encouraging you to blaze your own trail and "be the change you want to see in the world." So grab a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate (my personal favorite!) and enjoy.
Blog Articles
Defy Limits and Tap In with Eneazer Layne
Every now and then, someone touches your life with the incredible power of their story. Such is the case with Eneazer Layne, the beloved life and leadership coach, visionary founder of IMAGERY International “I Am” Movement, and the gifted speaker, writer, and gospel recording artist. Known by those who love her as “Lady E,” Eneazer is my guest on today’s podcast. In this deeply personal interview, we talk about her journey, including her tragedies and triumphs; her superpower and kryptonite; and what gets her up and excited every morning. We also talk about the personal identity crisis that ignited her …

Dear Gigi
A Lighthearted (Lively, Irreverent) Advice ColumnGiGi Newheart is my smart, sassy, 60-something muse and alter ego. GiGi hails from Lake Pittypat, Missouri.
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